She was always proud of my writing achievements and had this very simple, unwavering belief that if I worked hard enough, for long enough, (i.e. never gave up) that I would absolutely make my writing dreams come true. Most all writers know that the path to publication is littered with rejection and there were times on my journey where I would be convinced that I couldn’t keep picking myself up and putting myself out there and she would just nod in understanding and then quietly add, “Give yourself a bit of time and then give it another go!”
As I look back on the ten years of being published and the many years before that of trying to get published, I am so grateful that she shared her absolute love of reading with me. She read everything from Dostoevsky to Mills & Boon with equal passion and wonder. She taught me that reading and storytelling gave you infinite worlds to step into and infinite lessons to learn about life.
Over the next few days, I thought I’d post a bit about some of the things I’ve learned during these crazy-amazing ten years but first of all… a great big squishy Happy 10th Book Birthday to THE WAITING GAME xx