Sun Chara
on my blog today, talking about her love of stationery..., particularly
her love of the glittery notecard! Take it away Sun...
"Stay--what?" a teen might belt out, "What's that?"
Stationary is a word rarely used these days, since the most popular mode of communication is digital: iphones, ipads, email, online chats, Skype, facetime...24/7/365. I smile, because it is so evident that the digital future is upon us, and as much as this electronic phenomenon has overtaken the teen age, it has also swept the globe for all ages: from grandma with her iphone, to the toddler with her "Kitty" ipad, to the corporate mogul juggling 2-3 digital devices as he dashes to his car.
But oh! So lovely to see that digital stationary has a touch of glitter, a bit o' shine! The amazing techie geniuses have given us fun digital stationary to create our own unique style when corresponding with family, friends, colleagues...everyone. From using emoticons, to emails, to facebook posts, to tweets, websites, to e-cards. Oooh! Especially at this time of year, Christmas and New Year cards are sooo glittery and with even a jingle or two! Really love getting one of these greeting ecards! But sssshh! I'm still learning how to return the e-greeting!
As much as I enjoy the speed and simplicity of digital there is something so special about receiving a greeting card in an envelope with a real postage stamp. So now I'm thinking where can I get a visual sample of this glitter stationary to include with this article...
I took out my phone, snapped several photos, turned to go and oh my! Was that Mickey Mouse winking at me?!
Sun xx